


/Full Stack Bootcamp (Batch 321)

Full Stack Bootcamp (Batch 321)

Ashish Shukla

12 modules

Certificate of completion

Lifetime access



3 attachments • 1 mins

Welcome message (Important)

MERN Onboarding & Roadmap

Join 6 months live doubt solving

Source Code Reference


3 attachments


HTML day 2

HTML Assignment MERN


20 attachments

Intro to CSS

CSS Box Model

Box Model Usecases & Flexbox

CSS Positions

CSS Positions Usecases

CSS Hackathon 1

Important Updates

CSS Pseudo Elements & Classes

CSS Media Queries

CSS Miscellaneous


CSS Animations

CSS Grid System

CSS Special

Netflix Clone

CSS Major Project

CSS Hackathon

Submit Hackathon

Netflix clone

Netflix clone final


17 attachments • 2 mins

Intro to Javascript

Variables and Datatypes

Javascript Conditionals

Loops and Functions

Understanding DOM



Array mapping and Filters

Array mapping and Filters Assignment

Building Registration System using map and filters

Javascript Event Listners

Add Event Listners

javascript Assignment

Javascript Promise

Movie App (Major Project)

Javascript Dropdowns and Models

Javascript Local Storage

Javascript Interview

2 attachments

Interview prop Day 1

Interview prep Day 2


5 attachments

Intro to Bootstrap

Bootstrap Grid System

Bootstrap SCSS

Bootstrap Js

Cloning Swiggy

Taialwind CSS

2 attachments

Tailwind Resourcs

Tailwind Resources

Git & Github

5 attachments

Intro to git

Git branching

Intro to Github

Resuming Course

Github & Vercel

React Js

17 attachments • 3 hrs

Intro to React js

React props and Components

React Event Listners

React UseState Hook

SPA React

Hosting a react Project

React Hooks

Adding Tailwind in react

Adding Tailwind in react

React Hook and Firebase

Firebase II

UseEffect Hook and Firebase

UseEffect Hook and Firebase

Meet app Final

React js

React Revision & Movie App

Movie app react - II

React Rev

1 attachment • 51.1 mins

React rev day 1


19 attachments

Intro to Node js

Understanding Template engine

Todo App

Intro to MongoDB & Mongoose

Todo app with crud

Authentication & Middlewares

Sessions & Authrization

Creating role based authentication

Creating API's

MVC Structure

Adding payment Gateway

Completing TodoApp

Intro to SQL

Major Project LinkTree Clone

MVC Structure and Modules

Adding Authentication

Adding Analytics

Optimizing LinkTree

Hosting Project


When you complete this course you receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ signed and addressed personally by me.

Course Certificate


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Enrolling in a course is simple! Just browse through our website, select the course you're interested in, and click on the "Enrol Now" button. Follow the prompts to complete the enrolment process, and you'll gain immediate access to the course materials.

Can I access the course materials on any device?

Yes, our platform is designed to be accessible on various devices, including computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. You can access the course materials anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

How can I access the course materials?

Once you enrol in a course, you will gain access to a dedicated online learning platform. All course materials, including video lessons, lecture notes, and supplementary resources, can be accessed conveniently through the platform at any time.

Can I interact with the instructor during the course?

Absolutely! we are committed to providing an engaging and interactive learning experience. You will have opportunities to interact with them through our community. Take full advantage to enhance your understanding and gain insights directly from the expert.

About the creator

About the creator

Ashish Shukla

Ashish Shukla

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₹ 23999.00


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